Friday 6 September 2019

Cross Canada road trip, prep advice needed

Hi everyone.I hope this is the right place to pop this in.The North America cross trip is one of the items on my bucket list. Circumstances and momentum in my life are such that I'm pondering about undertaking this within the next month.The ride would start in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and end in Vancouver, British Columbia. I'd like to visit major cities along the ride, excluding Toronto and anything else that's just too out of the way. Idea is to just take trans-canadian, distance being about 5800km; I figured, if I ride 6-7h daily with mild 100kmh, I could reach BC in about 10-11 days, before serious winter hits.I've taken very long road trips before, such as 16h straight driving, or covering about 3600km across 6 days - but never on a sport bike (R1 is my vehicle for the trip). I have about 6-7 years of motorcycling experience, but it has been about 6 years that I rode anything.I have to move out of my apartment in either case, and I'm pondering two choices:a) put my stuff in rent-a-storage (I am a minimalist and have very few items anyway), get on a bike, ride west until it becomes too cold, or I hit British Columbia. If it gets too cold - huddle up wherever I am, for the winter.b) find cheap apartment to hibernate during winter, and postpone the trip to spring. This may sound like a better option, but I can't objectively gauge how much better. My circumstances are fully non-objective and have enough strength to make me want to leave and forget about this place as soon as I can.​Unless the answer everyone agrees with is "Dude, wait for the spring and don't be insane" - I'd very much welcome all advices on preparations, gear and things to be wary of. This being said, I read everything I could find on IronButts.Additionally - if there's any rider out there that's up for sharing this adventure - I'd very much appreciate having company on the road. via /r/motorcycles

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