Saturday 7 September 2019

Cali motorcyclist, slow down and check your mirrors before you jump into the fast/splitting lane during rush hour!

Got into a collision with another motorcyclist during rush hour. I was already in the lane splitting position next to the fast/carpool lane. Other cyclist on the lane to the right of it, with the heavier traffic, jumps into the lane split without looking. I can't swerve around him since we're blocked in, I slammed on both brakes, but it was not good enough. Went airborne and landed on my head and shoulder (no pun intended). Luckily, I walked away with no broken bones, only a few bruises and scrapes, and a mild concussion. Bike is scraped up on one side, mirrors and levers needed to be adjusted, but bike is still running. This is not my first time running into this situation during rush hour, it's actually the first collision, but I've had many other close calls where other motorcyclists jumps into the lane split during traffic from the right lanes without looking. I understand it's hard because, you are trying not to rear end the car in front of you, so you quickly jump into the lane split. But trust me, slow down and check your mirrors or shoulders carefully before you jump into that lane split, it will save you a lot of troubles in the future. Rant over, thanks for listening, stay safe. via /r/motorcycles

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