Wednesday 14 August 2019

Long distance ride for small girl on a 250cc?

Hello, my name is May. I am 15, but I have some pretty good experience riding motorcycles from my dad, I love riding them. I have already done drivers ed, and an msf course, and I have enough money saved up to buy a small motorcycle. I should have an endorsement and a license not long after I turn sixteen, which is soon, anyway, enough with the backstory. Slayer is playing their very last concert ever this November, and I am determined to get into that mosh pit one more time before they’re out. The bike I am lined up to buy is a 96 Yamaha Virago 250 from my cousin, I can assure it’s in good condition and that it’s been well maintained. The drive from my area near Portland, Oregon (I am right across the bridge in Washington state) to the forum in Inglewood is about 14 hours, 18 hours if I take the Scenic route and I avoid highways, which I am seriously considering taking, so I can ride slower, and because it is prettier. I heard that these bikes struggle reaching highway speeds like 80 mph, but I’ve only seen that with heavier men, I am 5’3 110lbs, will the bike struggle assuming I pack light? Is this a stupid plan? Should I try and go for a Virago 535 or 750 for more power instead? thank you! via /r/motorcycles

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