Wednesday 14 August 2019

Just told my dad that I ride a motorcycle. He didn’t take it too well

So for some context I live in a different continent then my parents and am 21.Live on my own and am independent apart from the fact that my parents pay for my college (which I deeply appreciate and plan on repaying them)My dads had motorcycles his entire life and when I mentioned to him 10~ months ago that I really wanted to save up for a bike he told me that it was a horrible idea (that he knew first hand how dangerous it is, especially since the drivers in my city are horrible)My mom always hated bikes, I’ll never forget hearing my parents fight when my dad said he was getting a bike and my mom was against it. (10~ years ago)About 4~ months ago I got my bike and didn’t tell my parents, I went to visit them and just never mentioned it.Today for the first time in a year my dad came to see me. I gave him a tour of my new spot and to end the tour I opened the garage door (which revealed my bike of course)At first he looked at me like I was messing with him (he knows I have friends that ride and prob assumed this was one of my friends bikes)And after I told him that it was mine and that this wasn’t a joke he just kind of stood there silently.Then he asked some random stuff like how long I had it, why I couldn’t just wait till I graduated (over time I got him to except that once I graduated he wouldn’t be responsible for me etc realistically he was hoping that I would have changed my mind by then)I explained that a part of me was missing and after having ridden friends bikes I needed it in my life.He then (probably regrets doing so) said that he could see himself doing the same thing in my position.Then he says he needs to take a walk and leaves. He was going to stay at my place but he just came back grabbed his stuff and said he’s going to stay in a hotel nearby.I know this is a wall of text but I just had to get it out idk.My parents are divorced but have a good relationship (talk often) so I imagine he’s also very conflicted on if / how he should tell my mom..I didn’t want to literally have to hide my bike in a buddies garage, my dads going to meet my friends and didn’t want to have them somehow cover / pretend to him that I didn’t have a bike.And I was also feeling super bad not having shared that with him,So yeah, that was my afternoon after not having seen my dad in a while. via /r/motorcycles

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