Saturday 31 August 2019

I Crashed and it Feels Bad

Had my first crash today where it was all my fault, and it sucks. I've had some incidents before, but they were either other drivers or wildlife-related. While I did learn from those, there wasn't a whole lot I could've done to prevent what happened. Not so this time.I was going through an intersection at about 20, maybe a bit faster. This is a wide, wide intersection so 20 isn't such a tall order. Unfortunately I'm not really sure what in the intersection caused the crash (couldn't get a good look at the area, really busy street), and nothing was immediately apparent. I'm guessing some oil or other slick liquid. But the back end slips out, the bike lowsides and we both star sliding along the blacktop. I'm only on the ground for a couple seconds, and by the time I'm up I see my bike slam into the curb, oil pan leading the charge. It was like watching a Mortal Kombat fatality. Oil everywhere. The bike bounces off the curb and comes to rest in a quickly forming pool of its fully synthetic lifeblood (which I just changed, still smelled brand new). I run over and pick it up and get it out of the street. HUGE fuckoff hole in the pan. Like it emptied itself out in less than a minutes. Crankcase is ground down pretty good despite frame and spool sliders. In fact, my swingarm slider bolt just snapped in half and sent my spool flying off into what I assume is the Shadow Realm, cause I couldn't find it. Much more miscellaneous damage, and maybe some that's not yet apparent.The second part that I don't understand was that no one in this busy intersection even stopped to see if I was okay or if I needed help, including two other motorcyclists. If I was riding like a dick I could understand, but I had been minding my manners just fine. Thanks to the cool bro in the white Honda that checked up on me while I was checking out the damage about 10 minutes after the crash. If you're on here I'll buy you a beer sometime.Luckily I was close to home, so I start the long and shameful push. It gave me some time to call insurance, tell the cops theres a bigass oil spill someone should probably clean, and kick myself for another dumb accident.I know these posts are a dime a dozen every day on here, but I just needed to vent. I got this bike under 2 months ago and I was really falling in love with it. It's the nicest vehicle I've ever owned, and now it's probably totaled. RIP Striple. Thank God for insurance. /rant over via /r/motorcycles

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