Friday, 12 July 2019

Womens Gear, why is it always fugly?

I know this has been a gripe in the community for some time, but I figured I'd see if any of you female riders have bought gear that doesnt make your eyes bleed.As a fairly girly girl who rides, it's impossible to find any gear that doesnt make me want to rip off the hot pink that brands use for womens gear. I have to resort to wearing all black/white.I know I could just wear black or white and shut up. But I dont want to, I like color and I like flair. But it seems to be that the only color options for womens sizing is available is "2008 middle school girl hot pink." And dont even get me started on "womens" helmets. Most pink/purple Snell rated ones I've came across just feels like they were designed as an afterthought.I'd love so see what "cute" items of safety you all wear, from helmet down to boots! via /r/motorcycles

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