Friday, 26 July 2019


Hey all,I need help identifying the person/group of people who assaulted me today on my motorcycle. I want to press charges. I’m hoping that someone local on reddit might have heard a friend brag about beating up a motorcyclist, heard gossip, saw someone’s Snapchat, or something like that so I can figure out who this was. They might not live in Encinitas, but if there’s any word from surrounding areas about this that would be amazing. I know word gets around about this sort of thing.Happened in Encinitas, CA, side street behind Gelato 101 near moonlight beach, around 8:00pmSuspect: Tall, white, blond hair, hipster haircut, vapingCar: I think Toyota Camry/Corolla or similar car, might have damage on the left side of the rear passenger door/rear areaheaded north after the incident3-4 people in the carbelieve it had paper license plates (not sure)I really need this community’s help to get this guy. PLEASE message me if you have ANY information regarding this.Here’s the long story in case you want to read:I was leaving a parking lot when a car skidded in, and gave me the spooks because of how close it got. I later happened to be behind the car going through a side street because I was going to stop down the street and get boba tea. As the car was driving down the side street, a man walked past (who later saved my ass), and the person inside the car angrily yelled profanity at him for no reason. I knew that this was a car to avoid. The car then crossed a double yellow line to pass through a street and almost hit 3-4 cars, and I followed because I happened to have needed to go the same way. After crossing the street, I loudly said “what the hell are you guys doing??” Which I figured was appropriate. I was about to pass them to get away from these idiots when they hit the brakes hard. I stopped because they did, and in a split second the driver opened his door began full on attacking me, punching, etc while I was still on my bike before I even realized what was going on. I covered my helmet/face with the arms out of instinct and he kept attacking me, knocking me and my motorcycle over (with me underneath) and on my way down both my motorcycle and my head hit the side of the car. He would have kept attacking me but the guy I mentioned earlier (along with a bunch of bystanders) were yelling at him to get off after he realized everyone was watching he hopped back in his car and sped away. My head/upper body was almost run over by his rear wheels. The witnesses thought that I had been run over at that point, but luckily I hadn’t. They guy I mentioned earlier tried to get some pics but it was a little too late to get the plates before they sped away. I assume that they were on some heavy drugs or very drunk, as I find it very hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would do all of that. I know there’s going to be a bunch of comments about me provoking the fight, or not being able to defend myself, and please don’t comment if that’s all your going to say. I’m looking to the community for help. Any help identifying this person/group of people would be greatly appreciated, and I will be forever grateful!Thanks-N via /r/motorcycles

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