Monday 29 April 2019

Let's talk about cornering step-by-step.

Hey ya'll,Something I have been thinking about a lot recently is a pre-corner and corner "system". That is, the steps and timing of which you do something. I am not a naturally talented rider so this type of technical thinking is really helpful to me, and I'm sure it is to other riders as well.So I've made a little corner template (with a couple reference markers) that I thought could facilitate the discussion. Let's assume, for the diagram I posted, that you're coming off one straight (through 3 / 2 / 1 markers), turning left, and continuing onto another straight.Let me start off by saying that I do not have a good system myself and that's why I'm posting. I am hoping to hear how better riders do it, so I can get better. But since I'm making the post, I will lay out what I do, step-by-step:1) On the straight leading up to the corner I will shift my body (mostly my butt) to the left side (if it isn't already there from the previous corner).2) Prior to braking, I will lock my right knee into the tank. Left knee is not flared out yet so that I can use it for additional grip under braking. However, I don't concern myself with left knee placement as much.3) Begin braking (heaviest part done pre-tip, trailing off toward apex); downshift toward the end of braking(Breaking this next part down into several smaller steps:)4.1) Near end of the heaviest part of braking (which would be around reference marker 1 in the image), flare out left knee4.2) Weight inside peg4.3) Begin leaning upper body into the corner (which naturally pushes the left bar -- and this is the part I am struggling with most, as not giving conscious input to the bars feels less replacable) and turning head to look through the corner5) Trail brake and add lean angle all the way to at or near apex6) Achieve direction (bike pointed at or nearly at exit marker)7) Begin adding throttle and removing lean angle by pushing the bike up and away from me8) Drive outI would love to hear everyone elses "system" as well as critiques of mine (as I am sure I am doing something wrong).And I would love to hear how you engage in counter-steering on the track. Most people I talk to say that they don't consciously think about counter-steering at all, and that all inputs on the bars is subconscious or just a result of how they ride. How do you do it? via /r/Trackdays

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