Monday 25 March 2019

The most surprising thing to me on the road

I've been driving bikes for a little over a year now and as my daily driver (and only vehicle), I've driven a decent amount overall. In the last few months, I had to get a new bike because my old bikes engine locked up. Since about the start of January, I've driven a little over 6k miles, driving roughly 500 miles per week. Most of my commutes involve driving to my job, driving my girlfriend to hers as well as working for Postmates on our days off. All in all, I drive about 250 miles per week on the highway and about 250-300 per week city riding.​I'd consider myself an observant rider (I'm sure almost all of us would), so I frequently look around at other cars/drivers to make sure I'm aware of everything going on around me. If I had to take a good guess, I'd say a good 50-60% of the other drivers on the road are using their phone, messing with their GPS or something else (mostly the first two, though). Just today, I was riding on the highway bringing my girlfriend to work and someone in front of us started drifting out of their lane a little bit. At first, I thought nothing of it, nobody is perfect, just keep a little extra distance, it's fine, but it happened again. When I was able to pass her, she wasn't just on her GPS or phone, she was on her tablet. She was messing with her fucking tablet while driving about 60mph on a highway (no speed is acceptable, just the faster you go the more absurd the thought is to even try).. and the scariest part about this whole 60 second interaction was that she drifted out of her lane not just once, but twice, and STILL had her tablet in one of her hands and her head facing it instead of anything in front of her.​Any time someone has started drifting into my lane, it's almost always because they're on their phone or distracted for some other stupid reason. I know it's kind of the "name of the game" riding bikes in 2019 and I know riding isn't always all fun and games, but damn, you'd think after a driver catching themselves "slipping" and not being as attentive as THEY KNOW THEY SHOULD BE they would stop entirely, especially while cruising at such high speeds.. with other vehicles around (but I guess they probably didn't realize that and, if they did, they didn't care or they just though they were skilled enough to multitask like that).​It has been a long day and finally felt like I had enough of a rant in me to post about this, even though I'm sure pretty much every rider (and driver who doesn't do this) probably feels the same.​Keep your eyes peeled and stay safe! via /r/motorcycles

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