Monday 25 March 2019

Motorcycle Death

Hopefully this title caught your attention. This is my personal plea for all of you that have motorcycles reading this. Please, PLEASE wear a helmet.On July 5th, 2018 I was driving behind a man on his bike. We were going 40mph. He switched lanes, miscounted for a curve in the road, hit a curb and fell. I pulled over. I called 911. I ran to him. I screamed to hang on and that help was on the way. It was too late. He did not make it. He was 29 years old with a son, two younger brothers that adored him, and two parents that thought the world of him. He was driving a five minute drive from work to home. He didn’t make it home. His brothers and Father had to go identify his body. And I will spare you the details of what we all saw. I’ve heard the screams of a Mother that has lost her child, and I will never forget them. Not a day goes by that I do not think of Jon, his son, his girlfriend, his family and friends. He would still be here if he had a helmet. He wasn’t going fast. He wasn’t driving erratically. It was a mistake. And it was the last mistake he made.So please, for you, for your parents, your significant others, for your children, for your friends, for your family, please wear a helmet.You may think, “It won’t happen to me” or “I’m an experienced rider I don’t make mistakes”. Well it could, and you might. And your skull isn’t thick enough to beat concrete.Be smart. Be safe. Please.Not only were Jon’s family and friends affected by that accident...a very emotional, empathic young woman was too. I still see him in my dreams. I have panic attacks while driving behind those riding without helmets, and I will forever remember that day like it was yesterday.I’m not saying all helmets will save all lives but it WILL increase your chance. Please. You have so many people that care about you...and if you don’t think you do please know that I care.I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to find this Reddit and post about this but I hope I help someone.Just today I cried, and pleaded for my best friend of 18 years to buy and wear a helmet and he did. And now I am crying tears of happiness.Thank you for reading my post. I appreciate it. I hope I encourage you to get a helmet if you don’t have one. ❤️Tldr; witnessed traumatic incident of a man die falling off a motorcycle who wasn’t going fast, not wearing a helmet. Ended in fatality. Please wear a helmet for yourself and all of your loved ones. via /r/motorcycles

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