Friday 18 January 2019

Neighbor knocked my bike over.

I was about to get on my bike as usual when I found two notes on my bike from two people telling me my neighbor knocked my bike over. The notes had the make, model and license plate number. Sure enough, my bike has a bunch of scrapes now.From the note, I could tell the driver was probably the person who always parks next to me. I had some idea she is a shit parker. She’s usually awfully close to my spot and once even parked in my spot overnight. I decided not to have her towed and this is how she thanks me!Anyways, I want my bike to be pristine again. Should I go through insurance or confront her myself? I’m not sure if some of the scratches will be deemed bad enough to have the part it’s on replaced.I reviewed my apartment least contract and determined I was legally parked at the time.Thanks.EDIT: The neighbor made no attempt to contact me or leave a note. Is this a hit-and-run? via /r/motorcycles

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