Thursday 17 January 2019

My life (dentist) ruined from a motorcycle accident

Throwaway because I am pressing charges from the person who hit me with their SUV. My life has been ruined since getting run down by a reckless driver, while I was on a motorcycle. I am a young professional (dentist), and because of this accident, I am recovering with my parents. This accident happened a number of weeks ago, and I have life-changing injuries.​I have a loss of motivation to even wake up in the morning. I told my friends that I don't want to see them in my recovery because I am so depressed. I don't want to watch tv, play video games, or even eat. My days are occupied with laying in bed. All I want to do is go back to the day of the accident and never get hit.​Not only physically has it been a challenge recovering from getting hit by a SUV, but I have a myriad of financial issues to deal with. I can't work and will likely have trouble doing oral surgery. I have huge financial commitments (car payments, mortgage, car insurance, phone bill, medical bills, student loans, legal fees).​Lawsuits take over a year from the accident to even begin to talk. In Canada, the amount received from lawsuits pales in comparison to what you would get in the USA.​Any advice for someone like me? via /r/motorcycles

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