Saturday 5 January 2019

Leaving Your Bike Out In the Weather

I’ve been riding for 3 years and have never found the answers to these on the internet , so since I have no riding buddies, I thought I’d ask the community here so I can get a definitive answer from the more experienced people. This is all from the perspective of if I were to ride my bike to work and then work my 11 hour shift. I have a black 2011 ZX10R if it means anything.Leaving her in the rain. I’ve been under the impression to not leave the bike out in the rain because it’ll rust, it’s not good for the electronics on the handlebars, and I should always take the time to cover it before going in. It’s a big hassle, but I try to before I leave it. Is it necessary to do this?Same with leaving the bike out in the sun. The parking lot has no shade whatsoever where I work, so I’ve heard it’s not good for the paint of the fairings and the gas tank and what not. Should I cover it before I go inside? It’s never too hot here in Ohio, but it’ll get to the 90’s or so.On the opposite end of the spectrum, leaving it in the winter and the cold. I recently bought $850 worth of winter gear so I can ride in sub 50 degree weather (never below freezing though) and I’m not entirely sure if it’s good or bad for the bike to sit in the cold all day. Might not be good for the seat, the breaks, etc.I could just be paranoid, but she’s my baby. I’d bring my bike in my house if I could fit it through my door lol Thanks in advance for any advice! via /r/motorcycles

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