Monday 14 January 2019

First ride on an Electric Blew my face off

As an old school biker (owned, Harleys, Honda, Suzuki and most recently Ducati - I actually wanted to hate this bike. I tested a Zero SR. When I first got on it, no clutch, no shiftier - I'm thinking .. too weird, whatever. And then something happened. I got "it". I ride a motorcycle for the thrill. And this bike is thrilling. The speed and torque are really something you need to feel to understand it. I couldn't get this off my mind for days. Yes, I am still going to pick up a new Multistrada in the Spring but dang.. it got me to thinking. I really hope in the next few years someone comes out with a viable Sport Touring Bike. In the USA, the infrastructure is getting here. Any electric bike riders out there? Would love to hear your stories. Thanks! via /r/motorcycles

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