Sunday 28 October 2018

So I got pulled over for riding with a plunger.

So I just moved into a new apartment complex and forgot to bring my old plunger with me. Of course not being used to the new toilet I clogged the fucker first day right before work. After getting off work I stopped by walmart and got myself a new plunger.I only own a motorcycle so its not like I had any other option but to bring it home on the bike. So, if you can imagine, I'm gliding down the road, plunger in hand like some retarded jousting knight when I pass by a cop at an intersection. He soon pulls behind me, I situate the plunger between my leg and the seat like I had been for stops and pulled over. When the cop came over and asked me what the hell I was doing I just gave him a simple response. "shit happens". Fortunately he let me go with a warning, telling me to take it safe and to "get my shit sorted" when I get home. Nothing crazy, but I thought the whole ordeal was mildly humorous. via /r/motorcycles

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