Saturday 15 September 2018

My bike saved my life.

Like a few other stories shared on here, my motorcycle saved my life, in a way. I appreciated seeing all the others who have shared their story, as their success gave me hope. So here's mine.After the end of my last relationship, I was hopeless. I didn't want to go on. I felt like I couldn't do anything right, felt like nothing I did was ever good enough for anyone, for my bosses, for my coworkers, for my family, my friends, or my ex. I came terrifyingly close to ending my life a number of times, but each time I promised myself I'd go for one last ride, and every time by the time I got off my bike, I wasn't ready to go yet. Every ride was the same feeling for me: I wasn't ready to go home, go to bed, and wake up to repeat the same process of suffering and faking a god damned smile every fucking day. I wanted to just keep riding, into the sunset and into a different life where I wasn't feeling the pain that consumes me in this one.Rarely can one look back and identify the moment that their life took that turn for the worse, but I can clearly see where I went wrong in my relationship. By getting on my motorcycle I felt like I was riding away from that moment, and from all the people who refused to believe that I wasn't faking it and making it more dramatic for attention, those who believed I hadn't actually been diagnosed with a major depressive episode. Those whom I never told. I couldn't stand to believe that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't as strong and hearty as I believed. But I didn't want to believe any of that, I didn't even believe in myself anymore. So I rode, and I rode, and I rode. I bought my second bike at the beginning of May and have since ridden it over 2500 miles.My motorcycle saved my life. If I'd killed myself back in May, when the end of my relationship was taking its worst toll on my emotional stability, a few of us might be better off. But my bike wouldn't have anyone to ride it, so I keep figuring I'll stick around and put a few more miles on it. And each day, I find I have to ride less in order to feel like I'm okay.I don't know if any of that makes any sense to anyone, but if it resonates with one person and helps them, that's more than I could ever want. Ride safe y'all. via /r/motorcycles

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