Monday, 10 September 2018

Dennis Noyes: "...what you saw today on camera es just the tip of the iceberg. The riders don´t complain to Race Direction. They think that is weak. So they get mad and get even."

Full tweet:(Replying to @motomatters)This may be hard to believe, but what you saw today on camera es just the tip of the iceberg. The riders don't complain to Race Direction. They think that is weak. So they get mad and get even. It usually only gets seen when it reaches the front of the race.What does everyone think of this? I kinda believe it but at the same time I don't follow the other classes or disciplines that closely to be able to think of anything weird that happened that can be attributed to this kind of practice.I remember that Canet deliberately took out another rider in an FP session after clashing with him earlier in the same session, but that was probably one of the ones that was considered to have reached "the front of the race".
Submitted September 10, 2018 at 11:00AM by dustyshelves

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