Sunday 1 July 2018

My dad and bikes

This is a bit of a different post and I'm not sure if you will want to see it here but I want a moment to share my happiness with about my dad and bikes. He's just brought a small cruiser a 125cc engine, that might not seem like a big deal but the reason he brought it was because he was inspired by mine. When I was 5 this man taught me how to ride a push bike with no stabilizers so I could be big like dad, when I was 10 he'd ride his pedal bike to school with me so I could ride on roads like him, when I was 15 he'd ride along the quayside in the summer so I could sit in a beer garden just like he could.. Now I'm 19, he's 65 and he wanted to get a motor bike... Just like me. This man will always ride by my side. We've still got helmets on our heads, oil on our hands and smiles on our faces. The only difference is the engines attached. I love you dad. Thank you. via /r/motorcycles

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