Monday 11 June 2018

Supervision for motorcycles is silly Australia.

Let me just start by saying you may not agree with me and thats okay but here goes.About 3 months ago I got my first bike and i was stoked! I've wanted to begin my riding experience ever since I was a little kid and today was the day. All went well and I bought the bike (2010 Ninja 250) anyways I digress,I currently live in Australia and only have a learner permit. Now the keyword here being Australia, You MUST be supervised by another rider either by them shadowing you on another motorcycle or having them be on the back of the bike with you! This is absolutely ridiculous. To top it off they must have held their motorcycle license for 4 YEARS before they qualify to supervise you. There was no way I could get supervision nor did I want anyone of the back of my bike so I started riding with the intention of gaining enough experience to pass my practical test so I could be granted my provisional license and legally ride unsupervised. About 3000km into riding my bike I got pulled over as the cop ran my plate and it came up that it was registered by me with a learner license. I am now pending a court date ultimately for me to be given a 3 month suspension and hundreds in fines.. Not to mention the cop said and I quote, "I could have let you off with a discretion but that is not how I choose to do my job".So obviously I am not riding anymore and my poor bike is just sitting there. It was the only damn escape I had from a computer screen or loneliness.This situation is beyond frustrating to the point where my dad doesn't want to talk about it wit me anymore as it makes as both incredibly frustrated.Thanks for reading, keep the rubber side down everyone! via /r/motorcycles

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