Sunday 13 May 2018

Last night I had a very sobering reminder to ATGATT and wear a full face helmet.

So last night at about midnight im walking the 2 blocks to the gas station for more beer to get some right before the midnight cutoff. Half a block to the corner I hear the rev, grind, crunch of a auto/ bike accident, and see lights flash through the trees.I run up and one guy has already got out of his car and has 911 on the phone, but he doesnt know the area/possibly didnt speak english or what to tell them so i took his phone and told dispatch what we needed and the streets.Found a dude laying facedown, sputtering breathing in a pool of blood around his face. brain bucket helmet about 4 feet away, and his harley sportster was about 30 feet in front of him. Like he fell off as he lost control, and skidded on his face. I was hesitant to roll him over without the necessary help do to spine / neck, but he rolled over himself after a little bit, and then i stabilized his neck and head.His face was a fucking mess. All blood, lips torn on both sides, eyes swollen and bloody cuts. I couldn't even make out an intact nose. His chin had bone showing. He was wearing jeans, tshirt, vest, brain bucket and bandanna. Typical Harley middle aged dude. He was breathing, and not hemorrhaging significantly. EMT showed up after about 4 minutes of trying to hold him from rolling and trying to sit up.I went back the next morning and looked at the area. There is a gnarly gravel spot as you come out the turn up the hill and these was a pretty good skid mark in. I assume he lost it there, hit a curb / sidewalk, took some branches off a couple shrubs, missed a light pole by inches, and skidded out into a pavement area.Pics: slightly NSFL - small pool of blood. None of the victim. I was helping, only took a few of the first responders and area once they had taken over. A FUCKING FULL FACE HELMET. I wouldn't wish what i got to see face to face there on anyone. If you're tool cool or too hot for a full face then you are a fucking retard.ATGATT.Ride carefully at night, gravel is sneaky.Answer when your mom calls, she loves you, and we all probably scare the fuck out of them with our moto antics. ATGATT will put them at ease a little. Go hug them today and tell them you love them.If you are so inclined, purchase major trauma kits and learn how to use them, with professional training. I have an interest in this due to my other hobbies (shooting). There are reputable companies selling mini pocket trauma kits that consist of gloves, clot bandages, chest seals, TQ's, SWAT-T, etc, that can be carried anywhere in a pocket. I have been holding out, but when I saw how much blood this guy had leaked when his face was down i was saying to myself shit why havent I gotten on that yet. They make several size ones to fit in pockets, backpack pockets, bike bags, etc. Not just for moto things. Unfortunately the world we live in mass casualty events are a thing, and these can be used to save lives when EMT are overwhelmed. I will be getting one, and the appropriate training now. If this guy had a good enough laceration to the face and neck, he could have bled out in the 4 minutes it took EMT to get there. Even though there are 3 Fire stations within 2 miles of the accident scene (city/county intersection area). I could have had a pocket one on me just walking like I was with at least gloves to be prepared for the amount of blood I encountered.Happy Mothers day. Go hug your mother and tell you love her. Ride safe and ATGATT. via /r/motorcycles

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