Monday 1 October 2018

Misano/Tavullia/Cattolica Free Shuttle Buses

These mythical beings do exist. But nowhere on the internet will tell you this, even the stewards at the circuit don't know they exist (many thanks to the dozen or so stewards I asked over the weekend who kept pointing me in the general direction of the town saying 'Misano is that way' or 'get a car' - very helpful). So let me tell you where to get on/off and find more information so people who do the google search next year (and onwards) can find the information.First of all you can get the timetable at tourist information points - search 'IAT' on google maps and that will tell you where they are. This will give you the most up to date information as I can't guarantee it will be the same in 2019+. But just in case, I have described the physical location of some of the stops so you can be more certain. Of course, these buses only run on race weekend.We also walked to the circuit from Cattolica on Saturday. The walk is mostly fine, there are a couple of points where you may need to walk on grass (over a short bridge if I remember correctly) and a short bit where there's no pavement/sidewalk - as long as you pay attention and walk on the side of the road where you can see round the corner you should be fine (as long as you can handle the heat).Tavullia:-- We got the shuttle bus from a place between Misano circuit/town to Tavullia on the Saturday evening (I think it runs Friday-Sunday evenings only). It's called 'Oliviero' which is a shopping centre/mall kind of thing EXCEPT you get on at the other side of the road (at the petrol/gas station). The bus will drive past you on the other side of the road but go up to the roundabout and come back around. It's a double decker white/grey bus that says 46 BIT or something on it. It IS NOT the big blue coach with 46 signs on it (this one appeared 1 minute before the actual one, so we thought it was that, when we tried to flag it down they just smiled and waved as they drove past leaving us very worried for a minute). The buses are every hour from 1700 or something (get a timetable). When you get to Tavullia there's a roadsign covered in stickers a bit of a walk down the hill that people take their pictures with (you'll see it on the way), but there's another one in the town itself next to the '46' speed limit sign.-- For absolute certainty, you can get on here There are other places you can get on that you will find on the timetable, but I can't describe where they are since I don't have the sheet and I didn't get on there.Cattolica/Misano Town > Misano Circuit Raceday:-- This bus only runs on raceday, every 10-15 minutes from 0730. There's an M line from Misano, and O line from Cattolica (which is the one we got), but both of them deliver you a wee bit of a distance from the circuit unfortunately (2km from Brutapela). We got on at Via Del Prete (about half way down: The more westerly you get on the better as it fills up pretty quick as it gets to the end of the street and beyond. But according the the timetable it officially goes from Via Del Prete > Via Fiume > Via Carducci > Le Navi (aquarium) > Bus Stop 70 @ Portoverde > Railway station** > Accreditation Centre (?) > Via Camilluccia - this is the end stop, which as I said is actually still quite far from the circuit. It took around 40 minutes from Del Prete to the circuit, then about 20 minutes walk to Brutapela. Use google maps*** to make sure you walk the correct way round the circuit. People who are sitting at places such as Curva Del Carro may wish to get some of the other forms of transport to the circuit (not free) such as the 'Land Train' (€2 each way), which I've done my best to explain below (I never used it so can only give the information from the leaflet), as it stops more in that area.** I think it means Misano railway station, not Cattolica as that would be the opposite direction*** An alternative to google maps is an app called MAPS.ME - if you download the region's map in advance, it can give you directions without needing data/WiFi. Remember GPS doesn't require mobile/cellular data and so you can use it to locate yourself on Google Maps/MAPS.ME any time - EU citizens of course don't need to worry as data roaming is no extra charge (let's see if that stays for us Scots post-Brexit).-- is where you get off (and on) the O line - the grass on the left side of the road if you were facing towards the roundabout. (The M line is basically the same except more on the actual roundabout).-- The M line says it runs a circular route between Riccione Railway > P.le Curiel > Terme > Misano Brasile > Bus stop 61@Piazzale Venezia/62@Via Del Mare > Accreditation Centre (?) > v. Camilluccia.-- The O and M buses run the return routes from 1500.-- The land train runs Friday - Sunday from 'Misano v. del Mare' every 10 minutes from 0730 on race day or every 15 on other days, until 1830 apparently. There is also one from 'Misano v. Repubblica/v. Dante', departing at 0730, 0800, 0830. They arrive at the Simoncelli Roundabout ( and depart from there as well.We took part in the track invasion (from Brutapela) on the way out. We didn't bother running straight down for the podium etc, but just went for a leisurely stroll onto the circuit for some pictures. As we got onto the start/finish we realised people were jumping over the wall into pit lane and no one was stopping them. The garages were all closed but we took some pictures with the pit wall boxes, we were also lucky enough to see them wheeling a couple of GP bikes around and watched some Ducati mechanics get a bit heated with some fans who didn't quite understand boundaries/manners. So that may be worth your time.Last bit of advice, buy earplugs before you go to the circuit, otherwise they're 3euro a pair (if they even have any), and in comparison to Silverstone, you're a lot closer to the circuit and the noise is louder than tolerable. I usually don't mind loud noises, but it was definitely beyond the comfortable level (my ears had that 'overwhelmed' feeling where noises become indistinguishable). I've never worn earplugs at Silverstone and it didn't bother me, but as soon as the first lap of Moto3 went past on Saturday I knew earplugs would be needed for raceday.Any questions, please feel free to ask, or message me if you're reading this next year and the post is locked.In case the links expire, here are the coordinatesOliviero: 43.9699778, 12.7043253V. del Prete 43.9656396, 12.7331412V. Camilluccia 43.9662911, 12.6746139Simoncelli Roundabout 43.962886, 12.691613
Submitted October 01, 2018 at 09:33PM by MDCritchell

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